• 09873702005
  • rajesh41266@gmail.com

Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds are fast becoming the most popular investment vehicle offering various kinds of schemes that cater to different investment objectives. We believe that investments through mutual funds are one of the safest, easiest and convenient ways of successful investment. The investments are in congruence to the laid down investment objectives securing the goals & objectives of the unit holders.

A plethora of mutual fund schemes with different features makes the right choice for an investor difficult. We at Aarvee Capital Services have a dedicated task force to analyse the different schemes of mutual funds across various parameters on an ongoing basis. An arduous process with strict disciplinary levels is followed before offering any product, scheme or recommendation as we believe that we are morally bound as trustees to our client's investments.

Never depend on single income, make investment to create a second source.

Warren Buffett



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